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Dixons Marchbank Primary

School is open as normal Monday 13 January from 8am for those attending breakfast club.

Mental Health Gold Award

Posted 10th March 2021

We are celebrating an award for our work in improving mental health both in our local community and beyond. Dixons Marchbank Primary is celebrating becoming one of the first schools in the area to receive the School Mental Health Gold Award.

Having successfully achieved the Silver award last year, we pressed ahead through the COVID-19 pandemic to meet the Gold standard which ensures that quality mental health provision remains a whole school priority and is at the heart of everything we do.

As well as benefitting our own students and staff, to meet the requirements of the award, the school has supported others locally, nationally, and even internationally through virtual visits, mentoring and coaching. Amongst others, Dixons Marchbank’s Mental Health Award Lead, Milly Lynch, has met with the Hong Kong Education Board to share good practice, as well as being actively involved in local and national mental health focus groups, in collaboration with the NHS and leading mental health charities.

Milly Lynch, Vice Principal who led the project said:

“The award is a prestigious achievement for the whole school community and we are very proud of our success. Good mental health is fundamental in everyday life and this is no different within a school setting. Our approach is now embedded within our school culture and this has been something that we have strived to achieve through collaboration with all stakeholders and a relentless pursuit of mental health at the heart of all we do.”

Helen Haunch, Principal said:

“The current pandemic has further highlighted the importance of good mental health and our role in providing support to our community. Our general support for families has been amazing and the more focused approaches needed by some parents who have struggled with other issues has been hugely beneficial. This has been a big team effort – amongst others, we have used our Parent Involvement Officer, Mentors, SENDCO and safeguarding team. I’m grateful to all the staff who are so committed to making Dixons Marchbank a better place to learn and work.”